Weekly Lessons and Sermon
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be always
acceptable in your sight, oh Lord our strength and our redeemer. Amen.
acceptable in your sight, oh Lord our strength and our redeemer. Amen.
Today is the last Sunday of the church year.
Next Sunday, Marks the first Sunday of Advent: The Church New year: And the time of waiting and preparation for Christmas. Yet even before that season of waiting for the celebration of the birth of Christ: Even before we begin to sing about Jesus laying in a manger: We celebrate and rejoice in Christ the King. Today is known as “Christ the King” Sunday. We celebrate Christ as the King of all creation. The king of everything. The king of everyone. Not long ago, I told you about my sweet one room school house Sunday School in Connecticut. I shared with you about the kids who literally “Schooled” me—their teacher—when they asked for a giant piece of paper and wrote “God loves everyone the same” at the top. It turns out, that those kids—over a decade ago-- Gave me a lot of good sermon material! That same group of kids that said “God loves everyone the same” Was also learning about Christ the king Sunday many, many, years ago. As their Sunday school teacher, I was explaining to them that Christ is our King. Each of the kids made their own crowns—in order to show that because of Christ the King: We too: become a part of the royal family: The royal family of Christ the King. After church on that Sunday, one four year old girl was showing off her crown. I asked her: “Can you tell our friends why you made that crown today?” She looked up at me, eyes beaming, and in the most excited four year old voice she exclaimed: “Because Jesus is our Prince! And I’m one of his princesses!” I was hoping that she would say that Jesus is our King: Because that’s what I tried to teach the children. But I couldn’t help being pleased with the mere fact that she was so happy and excited to boldly proclaim Jesus as her prince. And in a way: she’s quite right. After all: During the Christmas season: we’ll hear a lot about “The Prince of Peace.” Jesus IS our prince. And not just at Christmas. Jesus is always our prince, and always has been. The birth of Jesus in the manger is not even the beginning of the story. Which is why we celebrate Christ the King Sunday today: On the last Sunday of the church year. Because Jesus has been our king—our prince: all along. Even before the creation of the world. In today’s Gospel lesson Jesus says: “Come, you that are blessed by my Father: Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” INHERIT the KINGDOM: Prepared for YOU. FOR YOU. Even before creation. Christ the KING: Has prepared a place for you: Christ became human: So that we could become divine. That little girl was right: She is a princess of God: A child of God-- And we all are. That’s why the creator became human: So that the little girl could truly be Jesus’ princess. So that all of us could be a part of the heavenly royal family. And so today, after the sermon, I’d like us to renew our baptismal covenant. All of us: together: As we say it, We support one another as part of Christ’s royal family: As those who will inherit the kingdom prepared for us from the foundation of the world. We will promise to ask for forgiveness when we make mistakes: which we are sure to do. We will promise to proclaim the Good News of Christ the King. And: We will promise to seek and serve Christ in all persons: loving our neighbors as ourselves. This promise: in the baptismal covenant: Is EXACTLY what Jesus is talking about in today’s Gospel story. Jesus tells us to feed the hungry: To welcome the stranger: To clothe the naked: To take care for the sick: To visit the imprisoned. And he’s pretty clear: that in doing those things: we not only serve those in need. But we serve Christ himself. Jesus said: “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” This is what it means to seek and serve Christ in ALL people. How we treat others: who are members of Jesus’ family: Is how we ultimately treat Jesus. And if we remember: If remember that Christ is the King of all creation: That Christ has prepared a kingdom from the foundation of the world: Christ made a place: before anyone: ANYONE was born. Then he must have made that place for EVERYONE. EVERYONE. EVERY HUMAN BEING is a part of Jesus’ family. Because Jesus is the King of everything. Because God loves everyone the same. There’s also that final question in the baptismal covenant: Which asks “Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?” It does not say some people. Or some human beings. But ALL PEOPLE. EVERYONE. Because Everyone is a member of Jesus’ family: And whatever we do to the least of these who are members of Jesus family: we do it to him. So today: We celebrate being a part of that royal family: Created for us: And created for all: Before we were born: Before our ancestors were born: Before this very earth was even in existence. All thanks to Christ the King. Amen.
Happy Birthday to Charlie Johnson, Dave Nelson, Mike Sperger and Duey Stelzner Parish Christmas Party 12/10 after the serivce. ~bring a $5 wrapped gift for Christmas BINGO! Blue Christmas Service 12/20 at 6 pm Christmas Eve Service at 4 pm (no morning service)
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