Weekly Lessons and Sermon
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be always
acceptable in your sight, oh Lord our strength and our redeemer. Amen.
acceptable in your sight, oh Lord our strength and our redeemer. Amen.
Good Morning!
And welcome to our annual meeting Sunday! The annual meeting is just what it sounds like: The yearly meeting of the whole congregation to do any “business” that is required of us by the church canons. Last year, at our annual meeting: I encouraged you all to consider and pray about where God might be guiding us. You might remember: that the word “cultivate” came up. We spent a good amount of time exploring that word: What it might mean, And where It might be leading us. We didn’t fully answer the question of what it meant for us And what it looks like for us. And that’s okay. Actually: It’s more than okay. Because it struck me recently that cultivating is primarily about preparation: (Like cultivating the soil: getting it ready: preparing it for planting) The more I’ve thought about it and prayed about it: It’s clear to me that our year of cultivating was preparing us for a new moment: A new movement: Or more specifically: a revival through the Holy Spirit. There have been a lot of changes and transitions for us: And I truly believe that a new day is dawning. The first big change and transition is our new diocese. This past July we officially became the Diocese of Wisconsin: As the three dioceses joined back together as they were at the beginning of the Episcopal Church in Wisconsin. We have the same bishop: And not much has changed in our day to day operations: But we are now connected to Episcopalians across the state in ways that we weren’t before: As we are now a larger united body of the Episcopal Church in Wisconsin. Not only that: But this unification has provided greater resources to local congregations. We have already benefitted from this, As we recently received a grant from the diocese to help support our food pantry and thrift store. And speaking of that: The thrift store has also experienced some big transitions. Pam Obrien stepped down as the manager this summer, Although she continues to volunteer her time. We are so grateful to her and all of the hard work she has provided to this important ministry. Linda Behm, (who you’ll likely see if you stop in) continues to keep things running: and a few new volunteers have done an amazing job of sorting! The thrift store is always in need of volunteers: So please help us spread the word that any help is most welcome! The building that the thrift store is in, also has a new owner! The new owner took on the building in December, And he has plans to do some improvements on the building. Its wonderful to have a new owner, who is happy to have us remain in the building. The food pantry has similar transitions. Due to a new owner (who is not as receptive as our new owner of the thrift store) We are currently discerning and keeping our eyes open for another location. I trust that God will provide the right place at the right time, if only we keep our hearts and minds open. As always, a huge thank you to LuAnne Nelson who gives tirelessly to continue this ministry. She also has an amazing team of volunteers who keep things running smoothly. Without these generous volunteers; these two ministries of ours would not be able to survive. 2024 brought us as a congregation: Some changes that also carried intense grief. We lost some significant members: And that absence is still present among us. The loss of Joe and Dave were particularly difficult this year: Yet we place our hope in the promises of Jesus: That death never has the last word: And that all things are being made new. This is a reminder to us that Transition, Change, and even death are inevitable. But none of it is the end. There is always something more: And I think It’s time that St. John’s seriously consider the “more.” This congregation has been through a lot: And I don’t just mean the changes in the past year. I mean all of the years that you waited for a priest. And the devastating pandemic that changed everything: for many churches across the world. I have spent nearly four (FOUR!!!) years with you, We’ve “cultivated” a post-pandemic church: We’ve continued our ministries with the food pantry, thrift store, and healing ministries. We’ve been more involved with our Christian friends here in New London: Through our Thanksgiving, Ash Wednesday, and Good Friday services together. We’re cultivating community beyond the walls of our church building. I truly believe that we have cultivated the soil: And that we’re ready to welcome whatever sprouts from that soil. But I don’t know what’s going to sprout. Just like last year: I didn’t know what we were cultivating. But suddenly, that part is very clear to me: We were told to cultivate: Because we needed to prepare: Prepare our hearts, our minds, our souls, our bodies, and our church: For something new to sprout. But here’s the thing: And I’m going to be super honest: That something new is not a program: It’s not a marketing plan: It’s not a strategy to get more people into our church. It’s a trust: and a longing: For the Holy Spirit to renew and revive us. Which is why I want to declare the upcoming year: The year of Revival through the Holy Spirit: And that’s going to take some HARD, DEEP work from every single one of us. In the past: At the annual meeting, I’ve asked for your ideas. (I still welcome your ideas: at any time!) But this year, I want to ask you to listen: Listen to the murmurs of God’s spirit in your hearts: Not just for this place: But also for you as an individual. We’ve cultivated the soil: And now we need to listen: For the soft, subtle sound of the seeds sprouting. Remember at the beginning of Advent? When I told you we could BEG and PLEAD and LONG for something more? I’m pleading for you to join me: To pray for a revival through the holy spirit: To pray it not just here: When we’re gathered for Sunday Worship: But also to pray it when you’re at home alone: or with your family: Or driving down the street. Our revival is going to take all of us: Praying, and listening for the Holy Spirit. We’ve cultivated the soil: And I can feel that we are on the cusp of something new: And the timing is no mistake: St. John’s will celebrate 150 years in 2026! Isn’t that amazing? We have done the preparation: And I think we’re ready for a revival: Just in time for our 150 th anniversary. Join me this year in paying attention to the Holy Spirit: Welcoming the spirit in to renew us, Revive us, And create in us something new. Amen. Prayer for Revival Holy and Gracious God, Maker of all things: You alone are the source of light and life: And for that we are supremely grateful. Send us your light and your truth. In the name of Jesus: Dispel the darkness covering us, Destroy the darkness around us. Drive out all evil: And bring us your eternal flame of light. We cry out for you and your great light. Come Lord Jesus: Come heavenly light: Come celestial brightness. Renew us. Enlighten us. Revive us. Send us your Holy spirit: And bring us into being. Create in us something new: All in the name of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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